other things

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Little Wonders

Do you ever wonder what you are missing in life? Life keeps us busy, and sometimes we can't or don't want to take a break from the rat race to see what is going on outside of our 3 ft bubble. Take a hike (literally), go someplace you've never been before. Or even better, walk the same walk you do day in and day out and force yourself to notice something you haven't seen before. You'll be surprised what you might find.

I love to make ordinary things extraordinary, to see everyday things in a new way. Every morning I walk out of the stairwell, and up a set of crumbling cement stairs. On top of the stairwell is a rusty railing that has see better days, but it is behind the building, so no one has seen a need to replace it. At the base of that railing, I found this.

Do you think I would've seen this if I wasn't intentionally looking?

Check out more photos at http://gallery.me.com/josh.thulin#100090


  1. Mom and Dad are going to take your advice and look for something extraordinary on our evening walk right now!

  2. I notice this every time I go to the car now :)
